Baby Tower
I am fortunate to live in Prague. And I have connections. So, in my free time, I have been meeting new people who have been kind enough to show me the town. Friends of friends and friends of their friends have revealed new sections of Prague to me just about daily. It’s brilliant.
The more I explore, the more I want to delve deeper. There is only one problem. I can’t find my way back from where I started most of the time. I have accepted that I will never be able to honestly give directions via street names to anyone in regards to the area. If you think I’m joking, just Google Maps downtown Prague, then try to get somewhere a mile away.
Stunning architecture located in the center of town constantly attracts enormous crowds daily. And I know people don’t want to keep seeing rooftops, or hearing about them, so I am holding off on the pictures until I get some quality ones with actual, real people in them; hopefully this upcoming week. What’s next on the list to see? The Žižkov Television Tower, or as some call it, the Baby Tower.
Per wikipedia, it was voted the second ugliest building in the world. The first day I was in Prague I noticed the tower standing in the distance remarkably taller than the rest of Prague’s distinguished skyline. It is a radio tower which looks like a launch pad for NASA. It’s pretty ridiculous. Why is it called the Baby Tower? Well there are giant baby sculptures crawling all over it; I don’t know why yet but hope to get back with you about it.
In other news, we are a now half way done with the course, otherwise known as grammar boot-camp. Everyday I come home, and I mention to my friends something along the lines of, “I can’t believe I made it this far in life and I never knew that.” If nothing else, I must say that this class is making me better at writing. Oh yea, and I’m getting good at teaching as well (but I guess these both are still debatable).
The past weekend I began looking for a place to live. It looks as if there will be four of us moving in together, yet no one really know where or when. The game plan is to move around Prague 2, an area that is easily accessible and fun. A main component is we want it to be near where we will be working.
Oh, and yea, the whole job thing. Started looking a few days ago and getting a list together of where I can go and teach. I recently found out from a girl I met here last week that one of her friends gives English cycling tours in the summer. Since most schools usually take a break in the summer, and the teaching hours will probably be minimal, I am trying to figure out how to get involved so I won’t spend all summer doing these awesome grammar lesson plans