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Oh yea, that cliff needs to be jumped off!

Aside from teaching a lot of elementary school kids random board games in the morning and a handful of English classes in the evening, I have been exploring the mountains near where I live. Constantly finding new roads has been so much fun. Some lead to arterial roads, others a …

Chicken Organs and River Chasing

Mountains. Rivers. Spiders. Pretty much sums up my weekend. A group of us went “river chasing” in Wulai, an aboriginal village just south of Taipei in the mountains. The water couldn’t have been more perfect for the hot summer day, and not long after starting, we were completely hidden from …

New roads, Yingge and Sanxia

The week was filled with lots of cycling along new country roads before class. The Taiwanese countryside continues to mesmerize me with its variety and beauty. Unfortunately, some of the best routes I found this week, were accompanied with a dead camera. As soon as I find these roads again …