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Immigration and Chinese Lessons

I walked into the immigration office terrified that one of my many forms would have some random error on it causing chaos and confusion between me and the employee. I was pleasantly surprised when the man looked at my passport and asked, “Georgia, that’s where Stone Mountain is right?” I …

Last resort… take green pouch!

Yay for new experiences abroad! The trip to Taipei on Saturday was a ton of fun. Scott and I met up with a friend of his from college named Missy. She showed us the city little by little and ended the evening underneath the massive Taipei 101 building. I forgot …

Typhoon Time

As I grow more comfortable living in Chungli, the quest to immerse myself into the cycling industry and culture grows. Taichung City, the industry hub, is located in the middle of the island. I’ve been researching companies and organizing contact information for the major players in hopes to hitting up …