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Living Abroad

Highs and Lows

The past few weeks have been a blur. Rachel came into town for a week from Thailand, Scott left last Friday and somewhere between I managed to visit Yilan County, battle the biggest spider I’ve ever seen, lock myself out of my computer and deal with more stomach issues. As …

The past month…

Sorry for the delay. The past month has been a blur. I tried to spend as much time as I could with Rachel before she left. We did a quick day trip to Kaohsiung which was a ton of fun. Other than that it’s been a lot of work and trying …

Shimen Reservoir

Armed with a day off work, Rachel and I made our way towards the mountains. Just over  5 km from Longtan, Shimen Reservoir is one of my favorite escapes from the busy streets of Chungli. The park is huge and chock-full of small little escapes within the dense trees. The …


I am back and alive from a month in Nepal. The trip was plagued with ill luck, but we made it back to Taiwan in one piece. In the next few days I will post another page on the blog with the trip in all is glory. Cheers!