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Freedom to roam

Today marks the beginning of actually seeing Taiwan in my eyes. I was able to snag this used bike used for a couple hundred dollars from a guy in Taipei. It’s less than a year old, no serious issues and will do just fine getting me to and from work …

Immigration and Chinese Lessons

I walked into the immigration office terrified that one of my many forms would have some random error on it causing chaos and confusion between me and the employee. I was pleasantly surprised when the man looked at my passport and asked, “Georgia, that’s where Stone Mountain is right?” I …

Last resort… take green pouch!

Yay for new experiences abroad! The trip to Taipei on Saturday was a ton of fun. Scott and I met up with a friend of his from college named Missy. She showed us the city little by little and ended the evening underneath the massive Taipei 101 building. I forgot …