Fulong Beach, Cycling and Waterfalls

Two weekend’s ago a group of us went to a beach about 2 hours NE of Taipei. We spent the day playing in the water and tossing the frisbee around. It was a fun low-key day to end the week.

Buried at the beach

View of Fulong from a local temple

The following week, I went cycling with a buddy from work. We left Longtan and headed out into the country. Our first down hill had a few blind turns and on the second one we were greeted with an SUV in our lane. I locked up both wheels and started skidding sideways down the road. Somehow I managed to stay up right and as soon as I gain control I turned to see how Ivan fared.

I looked back in time to see him ride off the road and launch head-first into a pole. I stopped as fast as I could and ran up the hill screaming. Half of his bike was rolling down the road, the other half stuck in a small tree.

He collapsed on the road moaning in agony. A good sign, since I figured he’d be knocked out. I did a quick check to see if he could answer basic questions and move his feet and hands. Things seemed ok, but his back was killing him and he couldn’t move.

Now to call 911. This is harder than it may seem. I don’t speak Chinese and neither does he. We are on a small country road about 25 km outside of Longtan (the closest township) and me giving directions to someone in English would be suspect, given out location.

Since the car that met us head on didn’t stop, there was no once else there. Right as I was dialing a man came out of a side road about 30 meters away. I chased him down the road until he finally stopped. He was able to talk with the operator and tell them our location.

About 25 minutes later, the police showed up. Questioned us in Chinese (no help) and then about 5 minutes after that, which seemed like an eternity, they said they would call the ambulance. Thanks….

His bike broke at the fork...

Did what it was supposed to do

We got him into the ambulance and then headed to the hospital. X-rays came back negative, which was awesome and he was cleared to go home a few hours later. He had a concussion, but other than that nothing but sore body parts. Incredibly lucky. Seriously, hands-down the worst crash I’ve seen in person and probably one of the worst I’ve seen period. He is so lucky.

Outside of Longtan

After the hospital, I headed to work and taught two classes. Afterwards, one of my coworkers gave me a ride back out into the country to a restaurant where our bicycles were being kept. I grabbed my bike and told the owner of the place that I would come back and get his the following day.

That evening was our friend Katie’s birthday. I arrived back home, showered and then headed over to the KTV to meet up with everyone. Awesome party, but my mind was definitely not there.

Katie's Birthday Bash

The next day a group of us rode scooters into central Taiwan on HWY 7 just past a small town called Fuxing. We then peeled off the main road and followed a tiny back country road to a little swimming hole.


The falls and swimming hole

Going for a dip... so cold

We spend a few hours swimming, exploring a waterfall and jumping off some cliffs before returning home. Paul drove me by the restaurant on the way home where we strapped the weeks of Ivan’s bike to the back of the scooter and I threw the frame over my shoulder.

Long two days, but in the end, everyone was alright and home safe. Glad that nothing worst happened, but definitely struck a nerve with me.