Night Market Adventures & Getting Owned at Badminton

The past week has been full of highs and lows to say the least.

Struggling with reason I am in Taiwan in the first place is, I guess the main thing I’ve been contemplating. Why? Well, because Prague wasn’t a good fit and Taiwan seemed like it had everything I was looking for. A plethora of outdoor adventures, a cycling paradise, industry potential, a new culture to explore, and working with kids – something I’ve always wanted to do; haha, WTF. Yet since I’ve been here the only one of those that I have actually done has been the last; not on the top of the awesomeness scale.

I must say that after getting clip-less pedals installed on my bicycle and a helmet that fit, commuting by bicycle has been exponentially better. Those who have never ridden with pedals where your feet lock in won’t understand what I’m talking about, but the difference is enormous. Control, comfort and efficiency, YAY! High.

Chinese lessons have been engulfing my life. Two hours in the morning coupled with another hour or so studying before going to work everyday. After six weeks I still can’t carry on a basic conversation. Not because I’m not getting it, but because what we are learning isn’t practical, daily conversation. Why am I taking Chinese? Low.

Last night I went to a popular night market with a guy I work with and some of his friends. After trying some of Taiwan’s treats, I’ve realized that I can actually enjoy some Taiwanese food, I just need to know what to eat. Stinky tofu, papaya milk, fried octopus balls, and sweet potato treats were just a few I tried. We ended the night with a special green tea that has some sort of salty cheese on top. Sounds disgusting, like most things, but was actually really good.

Oler, the guy who was showing me around had one rule for me: don’t ask what everything is, you probably won’t like it if you know. Seems a little sketchy, but so far so good – and a lot better than going it on my own and eating something weird that also tasted bad. Oh, and I learned more daily Chinese in two hours walking around the night market with him and his friends than a week in school. High.

This morning I agreed to go play some badminton with him and some of his friends. Sweet mercy I’m sore. Three hours of straight up getting destroyed at badminton is quite embarrassing, but a ton of fun. It was an awesome experience, and I’m hoping that the next time I play I will have the opportunity to actually win a game, although I feel as if that’s a long ways away. High.

Can't see the shuttlecock, neither could I

The past week I made a promise to myself to start eating better. I finally have embraced the local markets. Just yesterday I cycled by a hut on the way to work and grabbed an entire pineapple (cut up for free), some mangoes and a handful of lychee for a couple bucks. It was awesome and cheap! High.

So I guess, for right now life is good. But, it seems to be constant shifts from peaks to valleys, and right now I climbing.  I’ll keep you all posted on what ends up happening.

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