Goodbye Taiwan

I don’t think it has truly set in how much I love this country, and how much I’m going to miss it; the people, the endless adventure, the constant surprise that it has indeed become a second home. There’s no doubt in my mind that this is the right choice, …

Betel Nut!!!

Finally, after 18 months in Taiwan and the eve of my final day in the country, I tried betel nut. Together with the help of Ryan, Matt, Jesse and Paul we chewed away. It was an experience, and I’m glad it’s over. Here’s some pictures to live vicariously through my experience, so …

Going Away Party

Thursday night Paul, Katie and Stephanie had a concert and put together a going away party for me. It was great to see everyone one last time and I had a ton of fun. Here are some photos from the evening. Thanks again everyone for coming out! I’ll miss you …